Universkin prescriptive skincare aims for growth

UniverskinJohn Bannon Pharmacy is set to expand the exposure of prescriptive skincare brand, Universkin, to the UK the aesthetics industry.

The global brand features a potent serum base which can be reformulated with 19 active ingredients to create 1.8 million combinations to create bespoke solutions to treat all individual skin types.

Each client's unique formulation is created via an in-clinic app, which helps the clinician to individually tailor the serums to suit exactly individual needs. 

Commenting on the introduction of the Universkin service, Andy Pickin of John Bannon Pharmacy, says: 

“The goal here is to engage the UK audience in the buying cycle for bespoke skincare treatments while clinics remain hindered in their ability to perform treatments and face to face consultations. Engaging consumers will drive them through to the industry, where our service offers HCPs the ability to support their patients with skincare and a complete ‘closed loop' revenue opportunity.”

John Bannon Pharmacy are running online training and hosting workshops in the coming months to engage and educate clinic owners.